1 Cun mantegnair spazis da viver gronds avunda (biotops) e cun prender autras mesiras adattadas èsi da prevegnir che spezias indigenas d’animals e da plantas morian or. Questas mesiras ston tegnair quint dals interess agriculs e forestals ch’èn degns da vegnir protegids.
1bis En spezial ston vegnir protegids rivas, regiuns da channaida e palids, biotops da guaud rars, saivs vivas, chagliom, tschispets sitgs ed ulteriurs lieus che adempleschan ina funcziun da cumpensaziun ecologica u che porschan fitg bunas premissas per biocenosas.55
1ter Sch’i n’è betg pussaivel d’evitar, tegnend quint da tut ils interess, che las intervenziuns tecnicas disturbian biotops degns da vegnir protegids, sto il chaschunader prender mesiras spezialas per la meglra protecziun pussaivla, per il restabiliment ubain per in’autra cumpensaziun adequata da quests biotops.56
2 Tar il cumbat cunter parasits, en spezial cun substanzas toxicas, stoi vegnir fatg attenziun che spezias d’animals e da plantas degnas da vegnir protegidas na vegnian betg periclitadas.
3 En lieus adattads po la Confederaziun promover la recolonisaziun da spezias ch’èn mortas or u ch’èn periclitadas da murir or en Svizra en la natira.
4 La legislaziun federala davart la chatscha e davart la protecziun dals utschels sco er davart la pestga resta resalvada.
55 Integrà tras l’art. 66 cifra 1 da la LF dals 7 d’oct. 1983 davart la protecziun da l’ambient, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1985 (AS 1984 1122; BBl 1979 III 749).
56 Integrà tras l’art. 66 cifra 1 da la LF dals 7 d’oct. 1983 davart la protecziun da l’ambient, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1985 (AS 1984 1122; BBl 1979 III 749).
1 The extinction of indigenous animal and plant species must be prevented by preserving sufficiently extensive habitats (biotopes) and by other appropriate measures. These measures must pay due regard to agricultural and forestry interests deserving protection.
1bis Special protection shall be given to riparian zones, fenlands and mires, rare forest communities, hedgerows, thickets, dry grasslands and other sites that play a role in preserving the ecological balance or which provide especially favourable conditions for biocoenoses.55
1ter If, after due consideration of the interests of all parties, damage by technical interventions to habitats deserving of protection is unavoidable, the party responsible must take measures to ensure the best possible protection, restoration, or, failing that, the provision of appropriate compensation.56
2 If pest control measures are taken, particularly by using toxic substances, care must be taken not to endanger animal and plant species deserving protection.
3 The Confederation may promote the resettlement in suitable sites of species that have become extinct in the wild in Switzerland or whose numbers are threatened.
4 The federal legislation on hunting and the protection of birds and on fisheries is reserved.
55 Inserted by Art. 66 No 1 of the FA of 7 Oct. 1983 on Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act), in force since 1 Jan. 1985 (AS 1984 1122; BBl 1979 III 749).
56 Inserted by Art. 66 No 1 of the FA of 7 Oct. 1983 on Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act), in force since 1 Jan. 1985 (AS 1984 1122; BBl 1979 III 749).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.