412.101 Ordinaziun dals 19 da november 2003 davart la furmaziun professiunala (OFPr)

412.101 Ordinance of 19 November 2003 on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance, VPETO)

Art. 66d Dumonda da contribuziuns parzialas avant che absolver l’examen professiunal federal u l’examen professiunal federal superiur

1 La dumonda da contribuziuns parzialas avant che absolver l’examen professiunal federal u l’examen professiunal federal superiur cumpiglia:

indicaziuns davart il petent;
in’obligaziun en scrit envers il SEFRI:
d’absolver l’examen professiunal federal u l’examen professiunal federal superiur en mira, e
da preschentar la disposiziun davart la reussida u la nunreussida da l’examen professiunal federal u da l’examen professiunal federal superiur absolvì entaifer maximalmain 5 onns suenter l’emprima dumonda;
ils quints emess dal purschider dal curs preparatoric per las taxas da curs ch’il participant sto pajar;
la conferma emessa dal purschider dal curs preparatoric per las taxas da curs imputablas ch’èn vegnidas pajadas dal participant;
la cumprova ch’il petent ha stuì pajar main che 88 francs taglia federala directa tenor l’ultima taxaziun da taglia cun vigur legala.

2 Igl è pussaivel d’inoltrar pliras dumondas da contribuziuns parzialas. Eventualas contribuziuns restantas pon vegnir dumandadas suenter avair survegnì la disposiziun davart la reussida u la nunreussida da l’examen professiunal federal u da l’examen professiunal federal superiur absolvì.

Art. 66d Application for partial payment of the subsidy to the person taking the federal professional examination

1 The application for partial payment of the subsidy to the person taking the federal professional examination includes:

information about the applicant;
a written commitment to SERI:
that the person will take the federal professional examination, and
that the person will produce the examination report attesting to the pass/fail score obtained on the federal professional examination no later than five years after the first subsidy application was submitted;
the invoice issued by the provider of the preparatory course indicating the course fees to be paid by the course participant;
the confirmation issued by the provider of the preparatory course confirming that the course participant has paid the eligible course fees;
proof that, according to the last legally binding tax assessment, the applicant was required to pay less than CHF 88 in direct federal taxation.

2 Several applications may be submitted for partial payment of the subsidy. Any remaining amounts may be applied for as soon as the person submits the examination report attesting to the pass/fail score obtained on the federal professional examination.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.