(art. 19 al. 1 LFPr)
1 Las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur en il senn da l’artitgel 1 alinea 2 pon far la dumonda da decretar in’ordinaziun da furmaziun.
2 La dumonda sto vegnir inoltrada, cun ina motivaziun en scrit, al SEFRI.
3 La concepziun e l’entrada en vigur da las ordinaziuns da furmaziun tras il SEFRI premetta la cooperaziun dals chantuns e da las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur.
4 Il SEFRI garantescha la coordinaziun cun e tranter ils circuls interessads ed ils chantuns. Sch’els n’arrivan betg da sa cunvegnir, decida il SEFRI resguardond il niz general per la furmaziun professiunala ed eventuals reglaments cun ils partenaris socials.
(Art. 19 para. 1 VPETA)
1 Professional organisations within the meaning of Article 1 paragraph 2 may request that a VET ordinance be enacted.
2 The request must be submitted to SERI with a written statement of the reasons.
3 The participation of the Cantons and professional organisations shall be required in order for SERI to prepare and enact such VET ordinances.
4 SERI shall ensure that there is coordination with and between the interested parties and the Cantons. If no agreement can be reached, then SERI shall decide on the basis of the overall need for VET programmes and any social partnership-related rules.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.