1 Ils chantuns che intermedieschan la furmaziun pratica professiunala procuran per ina purschida da scolas professiunalas spezialisadas confurm al basegn.
2 L’instrucziun obligatorica è gratuita.
3 Tgi che ademplescha las premissas che vegnan pretendidas en il manaschi d’emprendissadi ed en la scola professiunala spezialisada, po frequentar curs facultativs senza reducziun dal salari. La frequentaziun da quests curs ha lieu en consentiment cun il manaschi. En cas ch’ins na vegn betg perina, decida il chantun.
4 Sch’ina emprendista u sch’in emprendist è dependent d’in curs da sustegn per absolver cun success la scola professiunala spezialisada, po la scola professiunala spezialisada – en enclegientscha cun il manaschi e cun l’emprendista u cun l’emprendist – ordinar da frequentar tals curs. En cas ch’ins na vegn betg perina, decida il chantun. Ils curs da sustegn pon vegnir frequentads senza reducziun dal salari.
5 Sin proposta da las federaziuns professiunalas permetta il SEFRI d’organisar e da realisar curs professiunals interchantunals, sche quai gida a cuntanscher meglier las finamiras da furmaziun, promova la disponibilitad dals manaschis d’emprendissadi, na chaschuna nagins custs excessivs e na chaschuna nagins dischavantatgs considerabels per las participantas e per ils participants.
1 In Cantons where workplace training takes place, the cantonal authorities shall see to it that VET schools provide training content that corresponds to actual needs.
2 Mandatory courses shall be free of charge.
3 Any learner who meets the prerequisites at the host company and VET school may attend optional courses without salary deduction. Attendance of these courses shall be arranged by agreement with the host company. If no such agreement can be reached, the local cantonal authority shall decide.
4 If a learner is required to attend a remedial course in order to successfully complete his or her VET programme, then the VET school shall reach a special agreement with the company and the learner to organise such a course. If no such agreement can be reached, the local cantonal authority shall decide. Learners may attend these courses without salary deduction.
5 At the request of trade associations, SERI may authorise specialised courses to be offered at the intercantonal level if the following conditions are met: the courses enable training objectives to be reached more effectively, the courses increase host company willingness to provide workplace training within the framework of VET programmes, the course can be given without excessive additional cost and there are no significant disadvantages for participants.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.