170.512 Lescha federala dals 24 da mars 1995 davart las collecziuns dal dretg federal e davart il Fegl uffizial federal (Lescha davart las publicaziuns uffizialas, LPubl)

170.512 Federal Act of 18 June 2004 on the Compilations of Federal Legislation and the Federal Gazette (Publications Act, PublA)

Art. 12 Rectificaziuns ed adattaziuns nunformalas

1 La Chanzlia federala rectifitgescha nunformalmain en la CS sbagls che na midan betg il senn.

2 Ella adatta nunformalmain en la CS indicaziuns sco designaziuns d’unitads administrativas, renviaments, referenzas u abreviaziuns.

3 Per rectifitgar decrets da l’Assamblea federala vala l’artitgel 58 da la Lescha dal parlament dals 13 da december 200221.

Art. 12 Informal corrections and amendments

1 The Federal Chancellery shall informally correct errors in the SR that do not change the meaning.

2 It shall informally amend details such as descriptions of administrative units, links, references or abbreviations in the SR.

3 For the correction of Federal Assembly enactments, Article 58 of the Parliament Act of 13 December 200221 applies.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.