1 Ils acturs politics tenor ils artitgels 76b e 76c na dastgan betg acceptar:
2 Donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras da Svizzers a l’exteriur na valan betg sco donaziuns da l’exteriur.
3 Tgi che retschaiva ina donaziun monetara u betg monetara anonima, sto:
4 Tgi che retschaiva ina donaziun monetara u betg monetara da l’exteriur, sto restituir quella. Sch’ina restituziun n’è betg pussaivla u betg raschunaivla, sto la donaziun vegnir annunziada al post cumpetent e vegnir surdada a la Confederaziun.
5 En divergenza dals alineas 1–4 ston ils acturs politics tenor l’artitgel 76c alinea 3 declerar – en il quint final tenor l’artitgel 76d alinea 1 litera c – ils imports da las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras anonimas sco er da las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras da l’exteriur, ch’èn vegnidas concedidas ad els per ina campagna en vista a l’elecziun d’in commember dal Cussegl dals chantuns.
1 It is prohibited for political actors in accordance with Articles 76b and 76c to accept:
2 Monetary and non-monetary donations from Swiss citizens resident abroad are not regarded as donations from abroad.
3 Any person who receives an anonymous monetary or non-monetary donation must:
4 Any person who receives a monetary or non-monetary donation from abroad must return it. If returning the donation is not possible or not practicable, the donation must be reported to the competent body and handed over to the Confederation.
5 In derogation from paragraphs 1–4, political actors in accordance with Article 76c paragraph 3 must disclose the amounts of anonymous monetary and non-monetary donations and monetary and non-monetary donations from abroad made to them in respect of the campaign for the election of a member of the Council of States in the final account in accordance with Article 76d paragraph 1 letter c.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.