161.1 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 1976 davart ils dretgs politics

161.1 Federal Act of 17 December 1976 on Political Rights

Art. 76d Termins e modalitads da l’obligaziun da declerar la finanziaziun

1 I ston vegnir inoltrads:

annualmain las indicaziuns tenor l’artitgel 76b;
en cas da votaziuns e d’elecziuns dal Cussegl naziunal: 45 dis avant la votaziun u l’elecziun las entradas budgetadas e 60 dis suenter la votaziun u l’elecziun il quint final da las entradas sco er las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras en il senn da l’artitgel 76c alinea 2 litera b;
en cas d’elecziuns dal Cussegl dals chantuns: 30 dis suenter l’entrada en uffizi il quint final da las entradas sco er las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras en il senn da l’artitgel 76c alinea 2 litera b.

2 Tranter la fin dal termin per inoltrar las entradas budgetadas e l’elecziun u la votaziun ston donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras tenor l’artitgel 76c alinea 2 litera b vegnir communitgadas immediatamain al post cumpetent.

3 Tar las entradas budgetadas ed en il quint final da las entradas ston las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras vegnir preschentadas separadamain.

4 La communicaziun da las donaziuns monetaras e betg monetaras d’ina valur da passa 15 000 francs sto cuntegnair la valur e la data da la donaziun sco er il num, il prenum e la vischnanca da domicil u la firma e la sedia da l’autur da la donaziun.

5 Las indicaziuns tenor l’alinea 4 ston vegnir cumprovadas.

6 Il Cussegl federal fixescha la furma da la communicaziun.

Art. 76d Deadlines and modalities of the disclosure obligation

1 The following shall be submitted:

the information specified in Article 76b every year;
in the case of popular votes and elections to the National Council, the budgeted income 45 days before, and the final account of income and the monetary and non-monetary donations specified in Article 76c paragraph 2 letter b 60 days after the popular vote or election;
in the case of elections to the Council of States, the final statement of income and the monetary and non-monetary donations specified in Article 76c paragraph 2 letter b 30 days after taking office.

2 Between the deadline for submitting the budgeted income and the date of the election or vote, the monetary and non-monetary donations specified in Article 76c paragraph 2 letter b shall be reported to the competent body without delay.

3 The monetary and non-monetary donations shall be shown separately in the budgeted income and in the final statement of income.

4 When reporting monetary and non-monetary donations worth more than 15,000 francs, the value and date of the benefit as well as the surname, first name and commune of residence or the business name and registered office of the donor must be stated.

5 The information specified in paragraph 4 shall be substantiated.

6 The Federal Council shall specify the form in which the information is reported.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.