1 L’assicuranza da malsauns per requirents d’asil e per persunas cun basegn da protecziun senza permissiun da dimora sto vegnir concepida tenor la Lescha federala dals 18 da mars 1994219 davart l’assicuranza da malsauns (LAMal) cun resalva da las suandantas disposiziuns.
2 Per requirents d’asil e per persunas cun basegn da protecziun senza permissiun da dimora pon ils chantuns restrenscher la tscherna da l’assicuranza e designar ina u pliras assicuranzas che porschan ina furma d’assicuranza speziala tenor l’artitgel 41 alinea 4 LAMal.
3 Per requirents d’asil e per persunas cun basegn da protecziun senza permissiun da dimora pon els restrenscher la tscherna dals furniturs da prestaziuns tenor ils artitgels 36–40 LAMal. Els pon far quai avant che designar in’assicuranza en il senn da l’alinea 2.
4 Els pon designar ina u pliras assicuranzas che porschan in’assicuranza cun ina tscherna restrenschida dals furniturs da prestaziuns en il senn da l’artitgel 41 alinea 4 LAMal mo per requirents d’asil e per persunas cun basegn da protecziun senza permissiun da dimora.
5 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls da la restricziun da la tscherna dals furniturs da prestaziuns.
6 Ils chantuns e las assicuranzas pon fixar in’aboliziun da la participaziun als custs tenor l’artitgel 64 alinea 2 LAMal.
7 Uschè ditg che requirents d’asil e persunas cun basegn da protecziun senza permissiun da dimora retiran cumplainamain u parzialmain agid social, è sistì lur dretg da survegnir ina reducziun da las premias tenor l’artitgel 65 LAMal. Els survegnan puspè quest dretg cura ch’els vegnan renconuschids sco fugitivs, han – sco persunas cun basegn da protecziun – in dretg da survegnir ina permissiun da dimora u na retiran pli nagin agid social.
218 Integrà tras la cifra II da la LF dals 16 da dec. 2005, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (AS 2006 4823, 2007 5575; BBl 2002 6845).
1 Health insurance for asylum seekers and persons in need of protection without a residence permit must be arranged in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act of 18 March 1994219 on Health Insurance (HIA), subject to the following provisions.
2 The cantons may limit the choice of insurers for asylum seekers and persons in need of protection without a residence permit and may specify one or more insurers who offer a special form of insurance in accordance with Article 41 paragraph 4 HIA.
3 They may limit the choice of service providers for asylum seekers and persons in need of protection without a residence permit in accordance with Articles 36–40 HIA. They may do this before designating an insurer in terms of paragraph 2.
4 They may limit the choice for asylum seekers and persons in need of protection without a residence permit designate to one or more insurers who offer insurance with a limited selection of service providers in terms of Article 41 paragraph 4 HIA.
5 The Federal Council shall regulate the details of the limitation of the choice of the service providers.
6 The cantons and the insurers may agree to dispense with cost sharing in accordance with Article 64 paragraph 2 HIA.
7 As long as asylum seekers and persons in need of protection without a residence permit are reliant solely or partly on social assistance, their right to premium reductions in accordance with Article 65 HIA shall be suspended. This right shall revive respectively when the asylum seekers are recognised as refugees, the persons in need of protection are entitled to a residence permit, or the persons are no longer in receipt of social assistance.
218 Inserted by No II of the FA of 16 Dec. 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2006 4823, 2007 5575; BBl 2002 6845).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.