1 Per proceduras ch’èn pendentas il mument che questa lescha entra en vigur vala il dretg nov.
2 Proceduras pendentas concernent la concessiun d’ina permissiun da dimora da la polizia d’esters tenor l’artitgel 17 alinea 2 vertent daventan obsoletas.
3 La cumissiun da recurs ed il DFGP restan responsabels per ils recurs ch’èn pendents tar els il mument che questa lescha entra en vigur. Resalvà resta l’alinea 2.
4 Cun l’entrada en vigur da questa lescha vegnan applitgadas las disposiziuns dal chapitel 4 per las persunas estras ch’èn vegnidas admessas provisoricamain en gruppas tenor l’artitgel 14a alinea 5 vertent da la Lescha federala dals 26 da mars 1931404 davart la dimora ed il domicil dals esters. La durada da la dimora sco persuna estra ch’è vegnida admessa provisoricamain en gruppas vegn messa a quint per ils termins tenor l’artitgel 74 alineas 2 e 3.
5 Per pajar provediments d’assistenza a fugitivs che han ina permissiun da dimora vala il dretg vertent fin 2 onns suenter l’entrada en vigur da questa lescha.
404 [BS 1 121; AS 1949 221; 1987 1665; 1988 332; 1990 1587 art. 3 al. 2; 1991 362 cifra II 11, 1034 cifra III; 1995 146; 1999 1111; 2000 1891 cifra IV 2; 2002 685 cifra I 1, 701 cifra I 1, 3988 agiunta cifra 3; 2003 4557 agiunta cifra II 2; 2004 1633 cifra I 1, 4655 cifra I 1; 2005 5685 agiunta cifra 2; 2006 979 art. 2 cifra 1, 1931 art. 18 cifra 1, 2197 agiunta cifra 3, 3459 agiunta cifra 1 4745 agiunta cifra 1, 2007 359 agiunta cifra 1. AS 2007 5437 agiunta cifra I]. Guardar oz: LF dals 16 da dec. 2005 davart las persunas estras e l’integraziun (SR 142.20).
1 The new law applies to proceedings pending on the commencement of this Act.
2 Pending proceedings on the granting of a residence permit by the immigration authorities in accordance with the prior Article 17 paragraph 2 shall become irrelevant.
3 The Appeals Commission and the FDJP shall retain jurisdiction over any appeals pending before them on the commencement of this Act, subject to paragraph 2 above.
4 On the commencement of this Act, the provisions of Chapter 4 shall apply to groups of foreign nationals temporarily admitted in accordance with the current Article 14a paragraph 5 of the Federal Act of 26 March 1931404 on the Residence and Permanent Settlement of Foreign Nationals. The length of stay of persons temporarily admitted in groups shall be taken into account when calculating the time limits in accordance with Article 74 paragraphs 2 and 3.
5 The previous law shall apply for up to two years after the commencement of this Act in relation to the payment of social assistance benefits to refugees with a residence permit.
404 [BS 1 121; AS 1949 221; 1987 1665; 1988 332; 1990 1587 Art. 3 para. 2; 1991 362 No II 11, 1034 No III; 1995 146; 1999 1111; 2000 1891 No IV 2; 2002 685 No I 1, 701 No I 1, 3988 Annex No 3; 2003 4557 Annex No II 2; 2004 1633 No I 1, 4655 No I 1; 2005 5685 Annex No 2; 2006 979 Art. 2 No 1, 1931 Art. 18 No 1, 2197 Annex No 3, 3459 Annex No 1, 4745 Annex No 1; 2007 359 Annex No 1. AS 2007 5437 Annex No I]. See: the FA of 16 Dec. 2005 on Foreign Nationals (SR 142.20).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.