1 Sin dumonda dal requirent d’asil, ch’è vegnì dispensà da pajar ils custs da procedura, nominescha il Tribunal administrativ federal in assistent giuridic uffizial exclusivamain per recurs cunter:
2 Exceptads èn recurs tenor l’alinea 1, sch’els vegnan fatgs en il rom da proceduras da reponderaziun e da revisiun sco er da dumondas multiplas. Per tals recurs e per ils ulteriurs recurs vala, cun excepziun da l’alinea 1, l’artitgel 65 alinea 2 LFPA339.
3 A l’assistenza giudiziala uffiziala en cas da recurs fatgs sin basa da questa lescha èn admessas er persunas cun in diplom universitar en giurisprudenza che sa fatschentan da professiun cun la cussegliaziun e cun la represchentanza da requirents d’asil.
4 Ils alineas 1–3 valan er per persunas, da las qualas la dumonda è vegnida decidida en la procedura accelerada e las qualas renunzian ad ina represchentanza legala tenor l’artitgel 102h. Il medem vala, sche la represchentanza legala attribuida renunzia en la procedura accelerada d’inoltrar in recurs (art. 102h al. 4).
1 The Federal Administrative Court shall at the request of the asylum seeker, who shall be exempted from paying the procedural costs, appoint an official legal adviser, but only in the case of appeals against:
2 An exception is made for appeals under paragraph 1 if they relate to re-examination and review procedures and multiple applications. For these and for the other appeals, with the exception of paragraph 1, Article 65 paragraph 2 of the Administrative Procedure Act applies339.
3 In the case of appeals submitted on the basis of this Act, persons with a university degree in law who are involved in counselling and representing asylum seekers professionally are also authorised to act as official legal advisers.
4 Paragraphs 1–3 also apply to persons whose application is decided on under the accelerated procedure and who do not make use of legal representation under Article 102h. This also applies when the legal representative assigned under the accelerated procedure does not make an appeal (Art. 102h paragraph 4).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.