1 A mintga requirent d’asil vegn attribuida ina represchentanza legala a partir dal cumenzament da la fasa preparatorica e per l’ulteriura procedura d’asil, nun ch’il requirent d’asil renunzieschia explicitamain ad ina tala.
2 La represchentanza legala attribuida infurmescha il requirent d’asil uschè svelt sco pussaivel davart sias schanzas en la procedura d’asil.
3 La represchentanza legala dura fin a l’entrada en vigur da la decisiun en la procedura accelerada ed en la proceduras da Dublin ubain fin a la decisiun da realisar ina procedura extendida. L’artitgel 102l resta resalvà.
4 La represchentanza legala finescha cun l’infurmaziun dal represchentant legal attribuì al requirent d’asil ch’el na saja betg pront da far recurs, perquai che tal n’haja probablamain nagin success. Questa infurmaziun vegn dada uschè svelt sco pussaivel suenter la communicaziun da la decisiun d’asil negativa.
5 Las incumbensas da la represchentanza legala sa drizzan tenor l’artitgel 102k.
1 Each asylum seeker shall be assigned a legal representative from the start of the preparatory phase and for the remainder of the asylum procedure, unless the asylum seeker expressly declines this.
2 The legal representative assigned shall inform the asylum seeker as quickly as possible about the asylum seeker’s chances in the asylum procedure.
3 Legal representation shall last, under the accelerated and the Dublin procedure, until a legally binding decision is taken, or until a decision is taken about carrying out an extended procedure. Article 102l is reserved.
4 Legal representation shall end when the legal representative assigned informs the asylum seeker that he or she does not wish to submit an appeal because it would have no prospect of success. This shall take place as quickly as possible after notification of the decision to reject asylum.
5 The tasks of the legal representative are governed by Article 102k.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.