142.20 Lescha federala dals 16 da december 2005 davart las persunas estras (LEst)

142.20 Federal Act of 16 December 2005 on Foreign Nationals (FNA)

Art. 111i

1 Ils posts da cunfin e las autoritads da polizia dals chantuns e da las vischnancas prendan immediatamain las improntas da tut ils dets da persunas estras ch’èn pli veglias che 14 onns, sche la persuna pertutgada:

entra illegalmain en Svizra or d’in stadi ch’è n’è betg lià tras ina da las cunvegnas d’associaziun a la reglamentaziun da Dublin;
na vegn betg refusada ubain vegn tegnida en fermanza u prendida en arrest en vista ad in’expulsiun durant tut il temp tranter sia tschiffada e la spedida.

2 Ultra da las improntas dals dets vegnan registradas las suandantas datas:

il lieu e la data da la tschiffada en Svizra;
la schlattaina da la persuna tschiffada;
la data, cur che las improntas dals dets èn vegnidas prendidas;
il numer distinctiv svizzer da las improntas dals dets;
la data, cur che las datas èn vegnidas transmessas a l’unitad centrala;
il pled-clav da l’utilisader.

3 Las datas registradas tenor ils alineas 1 e 2 vegnan transmessas a l’unitad centrala entaifer 72 uras suenter la tschiffada da la persuna pertutgada. Sche la persuna pertutgada vegn prendida en arrest per pli ditg che 72 uras, ston las datas vegnir transmessas avant che la persuna pertutgada vegn laschada liber.

4 Sch’ils dets da la persuna pertutgada na permettan betg da prender las improntas, ston las improntas vegnir transmessas a l’unitad centrala entaifer 48 uras, suenter ch’igl è puspè pussaivel da prender improntas irreproschablas. Sch’i n’è betg pussaivel da prender las improntas dals dets pervia dal stadi da sanadad da la persuna pertutgada u pervia da mesiras da la sanadad publica, ston questas improntas vegnir transmessas a l’unitad centrala entaifer 48 uras suenter ch’il motiv d’impediment è crudà davent.

5 Sche problems tecnics gravants impedeschan la transmissiun da las datas, vegn concedì in termin supplementar da 48 uras per prender las mesiras necessarias, per ch’il sistem funcziunia puspè senza problems.

6 Ils posts da cunfin e las autoritads da persunas estras e da polizia dals chantuns e da las vischnancas pon prender las improntas da tut ils dets da persunas estras ch’èn pli veglias che 14 onns e che sa trategnan illegalmain en Svizra per controllar, sch’ellas han gia inoltrà ina dumonda d’asil en in auter stadi ch’è lià tras ina da las cunvegnas d’associaziun a la reglamentaziun da Dublin.

7 Las datas ch’èn vegnidas registradas tenor ils alineas 1, 2 e 6 vegnan transmessas al SEM per las trametter vinavant a l’unitad centrala.

8 Las datas transmessas tenor ils alineas 1 e 2 vegnan arcunadas da l’unitad centrala en la banca da datas Eurodac e destruidas automaticamain 18 mais suenter che las improntas dals dets èn vegnidas prendidas. Il SEM dumonda immediatamain l’unitad centrala da destruir pli baud questas datas, uschespert ch’el survegn enconuschientscha dal fatg che la persuna estra:

ha survegnì ina permissiun da dimora en Svizra;
ha bandunà il territori suveran dals stadis ch’èn liads tras ina da las cunvegnas d’associaziun a la reglamentaziun da Dublin;
ha survegnì la naziunalitad d’in stadi ch’è lià tras ina da las cunvegnas d’associaziun a la reglamentaziun da Dublin.

9 Per las proceduras tenor ils alineas 1–8 èn applitgabels ils artitgels 102b, 102c e 102e LAsil425.

424 Versiun tenor la cifra 1 da l’agiunta dal COF dals 26 da sett. 2014 (surpigliada da l’Ordinaziun [UE] nr. 603/2013 davart la constituziun d’Eurodac sco er davart la midada da l’Ordinaziun [UE] nr. 1077/2011 pertutgant la constituziun da l’Agentura IT), en vigur dapi ils 20 da fan. 2015 (AS 2015 2323; BBl 2014 2675).

425 SR 142.31

Art. 111i

1 The border posts and the police authorities in the cantons and communes shall immediately obtain a full set of fingerprints from any foreign national who is over the age of 14, if the person concerned, has entered Switzerland illegally and has not been returned.

enters Switzerland illegally from a state that is not bound by any of the Dublin Association Agreements;
has not been returned or has with a view to deportation been under arrest or in detention for the entire period between their apprehension and their removal.

2 In addition to the fingerprints, the following data shall be obtained:

the place and date of apprehension in Switzerland;
the sex of the apprehended person;
the date on which the fingerprints were taken;
the Swiss code number for the fingerprints;
the date on which the data was transmitted to the Central Unit.
the user password.

3 The data recorded under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be transmitted to the Central Unit within 72 hours of the person concerned being apprehended. If the person concerned is held in detention for longer than 72 hours, the data must be transmitted before they are released.

4 If the condition of the fingers of the person concerned do not allow fingerprints to be taken, the fingerprints must be transmitted to the Central Unit within 48 hours of fingerprints of acceptable quality being taken. If it is impossible to take fingerprints due to the state of health of the person concerned or due to public health measures, the fingerprints must be transmitted to the Central Unit within 48 hours of the impediment ceasing to apply.

5 If the transmission of data is prevented by serious technical problems, an additional period of 48 hours shall be allowed in order to take the measures required to ensure that the system operates correctly again.

6 The border posts and the immigration and police authorities in the cantons and communes may obtain a full set of fingerprints from any foreign national who is over the age of 14 and who is residing illegally in Switzerland in order to establish whether they have already made an application for asylum in another state that is bound by any of the Dublin Association Agreements.

7 The data obtained in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 6 shall be transmitted to SEM for passing on to the Central Unit.

8 The data transmitted in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be stored by the Central Unit in the Eurodac database and shall be automatically erased 18 months after the fingerprints are taken. SEM shall immediately request the Central Unit to erase the data before this date as soon as it is notified that the foreign national concerned:

has been granted a residence permit in Switzerland;
has left the sovereign territory of the states that are bound by any of the Dublin Association Agreements;
has been granted citizenship of a state that is bound by any of the Dublin Association Agreements.

9 Articles 102b–102g AsylA425 apply to the procedures under paragraphs 1–8.

424 Amended by Annex No 2 of the FD of 26 Sept. 2014 (Adoption of R [EU] No 603/2013 on the Establishment of Eurodac and the amendment to R [EU] No 1077/2011 on the Establishment of the IT Agency), in force since 20 July 2015 (AS 2015 2323; BBl 2014 2675).

425 SR 142.31


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.