1 Persunas estras che vulan pratitgar in’activitad da gudogn en Svizra basegnan ina permissiun, e quai independentamain da la durada da la dimora. Questa permissiun sto vegnir dumandada tar l’autoritad ch’è cumpetenta al lieu da lavur previs.
2 Sco activitad da gudogn vala mintga activitad dependenta u independenta che vegn normalmain pratitgada cunter indemnisaziun, er sche questa activitad da gudogn succeda gratuitamain.
3 En cas d’ina activitad da gudogn dependenta sto la permissiun vegnir dumandada tras il patrun.
1 Foreign nationals who wish to work in Switzerland require a permit irrespective of the period of stay. They must apply to the competent authority at the planned place of employment for this permit.
2 Gainful employment is any salaried or self-employed activity that is normally carried out for payment, irrespective of whether payment is made.
3 In the case of salaried employment, the application for a permit must be submitted by the employer.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.