1 Per realisar las cunvegnas da readmissiun e da transit ch’èn menziunadas en l’artitgel 100 pon il SEM e las autoritads chantunalas cumpetentas communitgar las datas da persunas necessarias er a stadis che n’han betg ina protecziun da datas ch’è equivalenta a la protecziun da datas svizra.
2 Per readmetter ses agens burgais pon vegnir communitgadas las suandantas datas ad in auter stadi contrahent:
3 En vista al transit da persunas d’ulteriurs stadis pon vegnir communitgadas las suandantas datas a l’auter stadi contrahent:
4 La cunvegna da readmissiun u da transit sto menziunar l’intent da l’utilisaziun da las datas, eventualas mesiras da segirezza sco er las autoritads cumpetentas.
1 In order to implement the readmission and transit agreements mentioned in Article 100, SEM and the competent authorities of the cantons may also disclose the required personal data to states that do not provide a level of data protection equivalent to that in Switzerland.
2 For the purpose of the readmission of its citizens, the following data may be disclosed to another contracting state:
3 For the purpose of the transit of members of third countries, the following data may be disclosed to the other contracting state:
4 Purpose limitation, any security measures and the competent authorities must be defined in the readmission or transit agreement.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.