1 Tgi che posseda ina naziunalitad estra po, suenter avair maridà in burgais svizzer, inoltrar ina dumonda per ina natiralisaziun facilitada, sch’el:
2 Tgi che viva u ha vivì a l’exteriur, po er inoltrar la dumonda, sch’el:
3 In burgais ester po er inoltrar ina dumonda per ina natiralisaziun facilitada tenor ils alineas 1 e 2, sch’il consort acquista il dretg da burgais svizzer suenter la maridaglia:
4 La persuna natiralisada acquista il dretg da burgais chantunal e communal da ses consort svizzer. Sch’il consort posseda plirs dretgs da burgais chantunals e communals, po la persuna natiralisada sa decider d’acquistar mo in sulet da quels.
1 Any foreign national may apply for simplified naturalisation following marriage to a Swiss citizen if he or she:
2 Any person who lives or has lived abroad may also apply provided he or she:
3 A foreign national may also apply for simplified naturalisation under paragraphs 1 or 2 if his or her wife or husband acquires Swiss citizenship after their marriage through:
4 The naturalised person acquires the cantonal and communal citizenship of his or her Swiss spouse. If the spouse is a citizen of two or more cantonal or communes, the naturalised person may decide to acquire citizenship of only one canton or commune.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.