1 La Confederaziun protegia il territori da las Alps da las consequenzas negativas dal traffic da transit. Ella limitescha las grevezzas tras il traffic da transit per ch’ellas na sajan betg nuschaivlas ni per ils umans, ni per ils animals, ni per las plantas e n’er betg per lur spazis da viver.
2 Il traffic da martganzia transalpin da cunfin a cunfin succeda cun la viafier. Il Cussegl federal prenda las mesiras necessarias. Excepziuns èn be admissiblas, sch’ellas èn indispensablas. Ellas ston vegnir definidas pli detagliadamain en ina lescha.
3 La capacitad da las vias da transit en il territori da las Alps na dastga betg vegnir augmentada. Questa restricziun na vala betg per vias da sviament che distgargian ils lieus dal traffic da transit.
45* Cun disposiziun transitorica.
1 The Confederation shall protect the Alpine region from the negative effects of transit traffic. It shall limit the nuisance caused by transit traffic to a level that is not harmful to people, animals and plants or their habitats.
2 Transalpine goods traffic shall be transported from border to border by rail. The Federal Council shall take the measures required. Exceptions are permitted only when there is no alternative. They must be specified in detail in a federal act.
3 The capacity of the transit routes in the Alpine region may not be increased. This does not apply to by-pass roads that reduce the level of transit traffic in towns and villages.
45* With transitional provision
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.