1 Ils chantuns pon far contracts tranter els ed er crear organisaziuns ed instituziuns communablas. Els pon oravant tut ademplir communablamain incumbensas d’interess regiunal.
2 La Confederaziun po sa participar a tals projects en il rom da sias cumpetenzas.
3 Ils contracts interchantunals na dastgan betg cuntrafar al dretg ed als interess da la Confederaziun e n’er betg als dretgs d’auters chantuns. Els èn da communitgar a la Confederaziun.
4 Tras in contract interchantunal pon ils chantuns autorisar organs interchantunals da decretar disposiziuns cun normas da dretg che realiseschan in contract interchantunal, premess ch’il contract:
5 Ils chantuns resguardan il dretg interchantunal.14
13 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).
14 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).
1 The Cantons may enter into agreements with each other and establish common organisations and institutions. In particular, they may jointly undertake tasks of regional importance together.
2 The Confederation may participate in such organisations or institutions within the scope of its powers.
3 Agreements between Cantons must not be contrary to the law, to the interests of the Confederation or to the rights of other Cantons. The Confederation must be notified of such agreements.
4 The Cantons may by intercantonal agreement authorise intercantonal bodies to issue legislative provisions that implement an intercantonal agreement, provided the agreement:
5 The Cantons shall comply with intercantonal law.14
13 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).
14 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.