1 Mintga persuna vala sco innocenta fin che la condemnaziun ha vigur legala.
2 Mintga persuna accusada ha il dretg da vegnir infurmada uschè spert ed uschè detagliadamain sco pussaivel davart las inculpaziuns cunter ella. Ella sto avair la pussaivladad da far valair ils dretgs da defensiun, dals quals ella ha il dretg.
3 Mintga persuna sentenziada ha il dretg da far examinar la sentenzia d’ina dretgira superiura. Resalvads èn ils cas, en ils quals il Tribunal federal decida sco suletta instanza.
1 Every person is presumed innocent until they have been found guilty by a legally enforceable judgment.
2 Every accused person has the right to be notified as quickly and comprehensively as possible of the charge brought against them. They must be given the opportunity to assert their rights to a proper defence.
3 Every convicted person has the right to have their conviction reviewed by a higher court, with the exception of cases in which the Federal Supreme Court sits at first instance.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.