1 Mintga persuna ha, en proceduras davant instanzas giudizialas ed administrativas, il dretg d’in tractament egual e gist sco er d’in giudicament entaifer in termin commensurà.
2 Las partidas han il dretg d’attenziun giuridica.
3 Mintga persuna che na dispona betg dals meds necessaris ha il dretg d’ina procedura gratuita, sche sia dumonda da dretg ha ina schanza da success. Uschenavant che quai è necessari per mantegnair ses dretgs, ha ella ultra da quai il dretg d’ina assistenza gratuita d’in defensur.
1 Every person has the right to equal and fair treatment in judicial and administrative proceedings and to have their case decided within a reasonable time.
2 Each party to a case has the right to be heard.
3 Any person who does not have sufficient means has the right to free legal advice and assistance unless their case appears to have no prospect of success. If it is necessary in order to safeguard their rights, they also have the right to free legal representation in court.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.