1 100 000 votantas e votants pon pretender ina revisiun parziala da la Constituziun federala, e quai entaifer 18 mais dapi la communicaziun uffiziala da lur iniziativa.
2 L’iniziativa dal pievel per ina revisiun parziala da la Constituziun federala po avair la furma d’ina proposta generala u d’in sboz elavurà.
3 Sche l’iniziativa violescha l’unitad da la furma, l’unitad da la materia u disposiziuns obligantas dal dretg internaziunal, vegn ella declerada sco cumplettamain u parzialmain nunvalaivla da l’Assamblea federala.
4 Sche l’Assamblea federala va d’accord cun ina iniziativa en furma d’ina proposta generala, elavura ella la revisiun parziala en il senn da l’iniziativa e la suttametta a la votaziun dal pievel e dals chantuns. Sch’ella refusa l’iniziativa, suttametta ella questa a la votaziun dal pievel; il pievel decida, sch’igl è da dar suatientscha a l’iniziativa. Sch’il pievel accepta l’iniziativa, elavura l’Assamblea federala in project correspundent.
5 Ina iniziativa en furma d’in sboz elavurà vegn suttamessa a la votaziun dal pievel e dals chantuns. L’Assamblea federala recumonda d’acceptar u da refusar l’iniziativa. Ella po confruntar l’iniziativa cun ina cuntraproposta.
114 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, en vigur dapi ils 27 da sett. 2009 (COF dals 19 da dec. 2008, COCF dal 1. da dec. 2009 – AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).
1 Any 100,000 persons eligible to vote may within 18 months of the official publication of their initiative request a partial revision of the Federal Constitution.
2 A popular initiative for the partial revision of the Federal Constitution may take the form of a general proposal or of a specific draft of the provisions proposed.
3 If the initiative fails to comply with the requirements of consistency of form, and of subject matter, or if it infringes mandatory provisions of international law, the Federal Assembly shall declare it to be invalid in whole or in part.
4 If the Federal Assembly is in agreement with an initiative in the form of a general proposal, it shall draft the partial revision on the basis of the initiative and submit it to the vote of the People and the Cantons. If the Federal Assembly rejects the initiative, it shall submit it to a vote of the People; the People shall decide whether the initiative should be adopted. If they vote in favour, the Federal Assembly shall draft the corresponding bill.
5 An initiative in the form of a specific draft shall be submitted to the vote of the People and the Cantons. The Federal Assembly shall recommend whether the initiative should be adopted or rejected. It may submit a counter-proposal to the initiative.
113 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Sept. 2009, in force since 27 Sept. 2009 (FedD of 19 Dec. 2008, FCD of 1 Dec. 2009; AS 2009 6409; BBl 2008 2891 2907, 2009 13 8719).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.