1 Sch’in delinquent sexual u violent vegn resguardà sco extremamain privlus e considerà sco indifferent a la terapia en las expertisas ch’èn necessarias per la sentenzia giudiziala, sto el vegnir internà a vita duranta, pervia da la gronda ristga da recidiva. Relaschada anticipada e congedi èn exclus.
2 Novas expertisas pon vegnir fatgas mo, sche novas enconuschientschas scientificas cumprovan ch’il delinquent po vegnir guarì e ch’el na represchenta alura betg pli in privel per la publicitad. L’autoritad ch’ha dismess l’internament sin fundament da questas novas expertisas sto surpigliar la responsabladad per ina recidiva dal delinquent.
3 Tut las expertisas necessarias per giuditgar ils delinquents sexuals e violents ston vegnir fatgas duas spezialists independents vicendaivlamain e cun experientscha, e quai resguardond tut ils elements impurtants per il giudicament.
95 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 8 da favr. 2004, en vigur dapi ils 8 da favr. 2004 (COF dals 20 da zer. 2003, COCF dals 21 d’avr. 2004 – AS 2004 2341; BBl 2000 3336, 2001 3433, 2003 4434, 2004 2199).
1 If a sex offender or violent offender is regarded in the reports required for sentencing as being extremely dangerous and his or her condition assessed as untreatable, he or she must be incarcerated until the end of his or her life due to the high risk of reoffending. Early release and release on temporary licence are not permitted.
2 Only if new scientific findings prove that the offender can be cured and thus no longer represents a danger to the public can new reports be drawn up. If the offender is released on the basis of these new reports, the authorities granting his or her release must accept liability if he reoffends.
3 All reports assessing sex offenders or violent offenders must be drawn up by at least two experienced specialists who are independent of each other. The reports must take account of all the principles that are important for the assessment.
95 Adopted by the popular vote on 8 Feb. 2004, in force since 8 Feb. 2004 (FedD of 20 June 2003, FCD of 21 April 2004; AS 2004 2341; BBl 2000 3336, 2001 3433, 2003 4434, 2004 2199).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.