1 La Confederaziun prenda mesiras per ina prevenziun suffizienta per vegls, survivents ed invalids. Quella sa basa sin trais pitgas, numnadamain sin l’assicuranza federala per vegls, survivents ed invalids, sin la prevenziun professiunala e sin la prevenziun individuala.
2 La Confederaziun procura che l’assicuranza per vegls, survivents ed invalids sco er la prevenziun professiunala possian ademplir lur intents permanentamain.
3 Ella po obligar ils chantuns da liberar da la taglia las instituziuns da l’assicuranza federala per vegls, survivents ed invalids sco er da la prevenziun professiunala e conceder als assicurads ed a lur patrunas e patruns levgiaments da taglia sin contribuziuns e dretgs ch’els pon pretender.
4 En collavuraziun cun ils chantuns promova ella la prevenziun individuala, particularmain cun mesiras da la politica fiscala e da la politica da proprietad.
1 The Confederation shall take measures to ensure adequate financial provision for the elderly, surviving spouses and children, and persons with disabilities. These shall be based on three pillars, namely the Federal Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance, the occupational pension scheme and private pension schemes.
2 The Confederation shall ensure that the Federal Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance and the occupational pension scheme are able to fulfil their purpose at all times.
3 It may require the Cantons to exempt institutions of the Federal Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance and the occupational pension scheme from liability to pay tax and to grant insured persons and their employers tax relief on contributions and reversionary rights.
4 In cooperation with the Cantons, it shall encourage private pension schemes, in particular through measures relating to taxation policy and the policy of promoting property ownership.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.