Diritto nazionale 5 Difesa nazionale in generale 51 Difesa militare
Internal Law 5 National defence 51 Military defence

514.511 Ordinanza del 25 febbraio 1998 concernente il materiale bellico (Ordinanza sul materiale bellico, OMB)

514.511 Ordinance of 25 February 1998 on War Material (War Material Ordinance, WMO)

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 16 Imposizione doganale

1 L’imposizione doganale al momento dell’importazione, dell’esportazione e del transito è retta dalle disposizioni previste dalla normativa doganale.

2 Chiunque importa, esporta o fa transitare merci con un’autorizzazione deve indicare nella dichiarazione doganale il tipo di autorizzazione, l’autorità preposta all’autorizzazione e il numero dell’autorizzazione.51

50 Nuovo testo giusta l’all. 9 n. 10 dell’O del 1° nov. 2006 sulle dogane, in vigore dal 1° mag. 2007 (RU 2007 1469).

51 Introdotto dal n. III 1 dell’O del 17 set. 2021, in vigore dal 1° nov. 2021 (RU 2021 595).

Art. 17 Obligation to maintain records

1 Records must be maintained on the manufacture, purchase, sale, or brokerage of or any other form of trade in war materiel, as well as contracts entered into in terms of Article 20 WMA. The records must at all times disclose:

the entries, exits and stocks of war materiel;
the names and addresses of suppliers, purchasers and contractual parties;
the data and subject matter of commercial transactions.

2 The following documents must be available for inspection for a period of ten years in order to substantiate records:

invoices from suppliers;
copies of invoices addressed to purchasers and contractual parties; where payment is made in cash, receipts for the goods signed by the purchasers;
contracts relating to transactions relating to intellectual property including know-how pertaining to war materiel;
transport documents with details of the transit states.

54 Inserted by Schedule 2 No 2 of the O of 21 Nov. 2012, in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 6781).


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