1 L’ufficiale dello stato civile si rifiuta di procedere se uno dei fidanzati manifestamente non intende creare l’unione coniugale bensì eludere le disposizioni relative all’ammissione e al soggiorno degli stranieri.154
2 Egli sente i fidanzati e può sollecitare informazioni da altre autorità o terzi.
153 Introdotto dall’all. n. II 4 della LF del 16 dic. 2005 sugli stranieri, in vigore dal 1° gen. 2008 (RU 2007 5437; FF 2002 3327).
154 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I della LF del 18 dic. 2020 (Matrimonio per tutti), in vigore dal 1° lug. 2022 (RU 2021 747; FF 2019 7151, 2020 1135).
1 The preparatory procedure shall be carried out at the civil register office at the domicile of either of the prospective spouses at their request.160
2 They must appear in person. If they may show that they clearly cannot be required to do so, the preparatory procedure may be carried out in writing.
3 They must furnish documentary proof of identity and personally declare at the civil register office that they satisfy the legal requirements for marriage; they must also produce any necessary consent.
4 Engaged couples who are not Swiss citizens must prove during the preparatory procedure that they are lawfully resident in Switzerland.161
160 Amended by No I of the FA of 18 Dec. 2020 (Marriage for All), in force since 1 July 2022 (AS 2021 747; BBl 2019 8595; 2020 1273).
161 Inserted by No I of the FA of 12 June 2009 (Prevention of Marriages in the event of Unlawful Residence), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3057; BBl 2008 2467 2481).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.