1 Le fondazioni sono sottoposte alla vigilanza degli enti pubblici (Confederazione, Cantone o Comune) a cui appartengono per la loro destinazione.
1bis I Cantoni possono sottoporre alla vigilanza della competente autorità cantonale le fondazioni di pertinenza comunale.107
2 L’autorità di vigilanza provvede affinché i beni siano impiegati conformemente al fine della fondazione.
107 Introdotto dal n. I della LF dell’8 ott. 2004 (Diritto delle fondazioni), in vigore dal 1° gen. 2006 (RU 2005 4545; FF 2003 7053 7093).
1 In the event of imminent insolvency or overindebtedness, the board of trustees must notify the supervisory authority immediately.
2 If the external auditors establish that the foundation is insolvent or overindebted, they shall notify the supervisory authority.
3 The supervisory authority shall direct the board of trustees to take the necessary measures. If it fails to do so, the supervisory authority shall take such measures itself or shall notify the court.
4 The provisions of company law on establishing overindebtedness and on the revaluation of land, buildings and equity participations apply accordingly.
111 Inserted by No I of the FA of 8 Oct. 2004 (Law on Foundations) (AS 2005 4545; BBl 2003 8153 8191). Amended by Annex No 1 of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.