Diritto nazionale 2 Diritto privato - Procedura civile - Esecuzione 21 Codice civile
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 21 Civil Code

210 Codice civile svizzero del 10 dicembre 1907

210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 747 2. …

594 Abrogato dal n. I 2 della LF del 5 ott. 1984, con effetto dal 1° gen. 1988 (RU 1986 122; FF 1979 II 1119).

Art. 748 1. Grounds

1 Usufruct is extinguished in the event of the complete loss of the object to which it applies and in the case of immovable property on deletion of the entry from the land register where the entry was required to establish the usufruct.

2 Other grounds for extinction, such as the passage of time or the renunciation or death of the usufructuary, confer on the owner only a right to apply for the deletion of the entry.

3 A statutory usufruct ends on cessation of its cause.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.