Diritto nazionale 2 Diritto privato - Procedura civile - Esecuzione 21 Codice civile
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 21 Civil Code

210 Codice civile svizzero del 10 dicembre 1907

210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 654a III. Proprietà collettiva di aziende e fondi agricoli

Lo scioglimento della proprietà collettiva di aziende e fondi agricoli è inoltre retta dalla legge federale del 4 ottobre 1991533 sul diritto fondiario rurale.

532 Introdotto dall’art. 92 n. 1 della LF del 4 ott. 1991 sul diritto fondiario rurale, in vigore dal 1° gen. 1994 (RU 1993 1410; FF 1988 III 821).

533 RS 211.412.11

Art. 655 I. Immovable property

1 The object of land ownership is all immovable property.

2 Within the meaning of this Code, immovable property includes:

parcels of land and the buildings thereon;
distinct and permanent rights recorded in the land register;
co-ownership shares in immovable property.

3 An easement relating to immovable property may be recorded in the land register as an independent and permanent right if it:

is not created in favour of a benefited property nor exclusively for a specific person; and
is established for at least 30 years or for an unlimited period.553

552 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 Dec. 1963, in force since 1 Jan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461).

553 Inserted by No I 1 of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Register Mortgage Certificates and other amendments to Property Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).


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