1 Con l’entrata in vigore della modifica del 19 dicembre 2008743, i procedimenti pendenti sono continuati dalla nuova autorità competente.
2 Si applica il nuovo diritto di procedura.
3 L’autorità decide se e in quale misura il procedimento di cui si tratta debba essere completato.
742 Introdotto dal n. II della LF del 6 ott. 1978 (RU 1980 3l; FF 1977 III 1). Nuovo testo giusta il n. I 2 della LF del 19 dic. 2008 (Protezione degli adulti, diritto delle persone e diritto della filiazione), in vigore dal 1° gen. 2013 (RU 2011 725; FF 2006 6391).
1 The making or revocation of a testamentary disposition carried out before this Code comes into force, if done by a person subsequently deceased who had testamentary capacity under the law that applied at the time, may not be contested on the grounds that the deceased died following the commencement of the new law and would not have had testamentary capacity under its provisions.
2 A testamentary disposition may not be contested due to a formal defect if it complies with the provisions on form that applied when it was made or at the time of death.
3 The contesting of a disposition on the grounds that the testator exceeded his or her testamentary freedom or due to the nature of the disposition is governed in the case of all testamentary dispositions by the provisions of the new law if the deceased died after the commencement of this Code.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.