Diritto nazionale 2 Diritto privato - Procedura civile - Esecuzione 21 Codice civile
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 21 Civil Code

210 Codice civile svizzero del 10 dicembre 1907

210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 124e VIII. Conguaglio impossibile

1 Se il conguaglio dei fondi della previdenza professionale è impossibile, il coniuge debitore deve al coniuge creditore un’indennità adeguata sotto forma di liquidazione in capitale o di rendita.

2 Una sentenza svizzera può essere modificata su richiesta del coniuge debitore, se pretese di previdenza sussistenti all’estero sono prima state conguagliate da un’indennità adeguata ai sensi del capoverso 1 e sono poi divise da una sentenza estera vincolante per il debitore estero della previdenza.

190 Introdotto dal n. 1 della LF del 19 giu. 2015 (Conguaglio della previdenza professionale in caso di divorzio), in vigore dal 1° gen. 2017 (RU 2016 2313; FF 2013 4151).

Art. 125 I. Requirements

1 If a spouse cannot reasonably be expected to provide for his or her own maintenance, including an appropriate level of retirement provision, the other spouse must pay a suitable contribution.

2 In deciding whether such a contribution is to be made and, if so, in what amount and for how long, the following factors in particular must be considered:

the division of duties during the marriage;
the duration of the marriage;
the standard of living during the marriage;
the age and health of the spouses;
the income and assets of the spouses;
the extent and duration of child care still required of the spouses;
the vocational training and career prospects of the spouses and the likely cost of reintegration into working life;
expectancy of federal old age and survivor’s insurance benefits and of occupational or other private or state pensions, including the expected proceeds of any division of withdrawal benefits.

3 Exceptionally, a maintenance contribution may be denied or reduced if it would clearly be inequitable, particularly because the spouse otherwise entitled to receive such contribution:

has grossly neglected his or her duty to contribute to the maintenance of the family;
has wilfully brought about his or her own indigence;
has committed a serious criminal offence against the other spouse or a person close to him or her.

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