1 Le fonds de désaffectation assure le financement de la désaffectation et du démantèlement des installations nucléaires mises hors service ainsi que celui de l’évacuation des déchets ainsi produits (coûts de désaffectation).
2 Le fonds d’évacuation des déchets assure le financement de l’évacuation des déchets d’exploitation radioactifs et des assemblages combustibles usés, après la mise hors service des installations nucléaires (coûts d’évacuation).
3 Les propriétaires d’installations nucléaires cotisent au fonds de désaffectation et au fonds d’évacuation des déchets. Le Conseil fédéral peut en dispenser les propriétaires d’installations ayant de faibles coûts de désaffectation et d’évacuation.
1 The entitlement of each owner obliged to pay contributions into these funds shall be equivalent to the amount paid in, including capital earnings and after deduction of costs. Entitlements may not be sold, pledged, seized or incorporated into bankruptcy estate.
2 In the event that the entitlements on the part of a contributing owner should exceed the amount paid in by same, the surplus shall be refunded within one year after calculation of the closing statement.
3 If a nuclear installation is adopted from a bankruptcy estate, the entitlements due from the two funds shall be transferred to the new owner, who shall then be obliged to pay the contributions owed to the fund by the bankrupt company.
4 If a company is removed from the commercial register after completion of bankruptcy proceedings and with the consent of the Department, and if the installation is not taken over by another company, the contributions already paid in shall become the property of the two funds, who shall use the amounts concerned to finance the decommissioning and disposal operations of the installation concerned. The Federal Council shall decide how any resulting surplus is to be used.
Ceci n’est pas une publication officielle. Seule la publication opérée par la Chancellerie fédérale fait foi. Ordonnance sur les publications officielles, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.