1 Les restrictions apportées au droit d’aliéner certains immeubles peuvent être annotées, lorsqu’elles résultent:
2 Ces restrictions deviennent, par l’effet de leur annotation, opposables à tout droit postérieurement acquis sur l’immeuble.
656 Nouvelle teneur selon l’annexe ch. 4 de la LF du 16 déc. 1994, en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 1997 (RO 1995 1227 1309; FF 1991 III 1).
657 Nouvelle teneur selon le ch. I 4 de la LF du 26 juin 1998, en vigueur depuis le 1er janv. 2000 (RO 1999 1118; FF 1996 I 1).
1 Provisional entries may be made in the land register:
2 They are made either with the consent of all interested parties or by court order and the right, provided it is later confirmed, becomes effective in rem as of the date of the provisional entry.
3 The court rules on the application and, provided the applicant satisfies the court of his or her entitlement, approves the provisional entry, precisely specifying its nature, duration and effect and, where necessary, setting a time limit within which the applicant must bring an action to assert his or her rights.680
680 Amended by Annex 1 No II 3 of the Civil Procedure Code of 19 Dec. 2008, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 1739; BBl 2006 7221).
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