Droit interne 2 Droit privé - Procédure civile - Exécution 21 Code civil
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 21 Civil Code

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 709 V. Usage des sources

La législation cantonale peut accorder à des voisins ou à d’autres personnes le droit d’utiliser, notamment pour y puiser de l’eau et abreuver le bétail, les sources, fontaines et ruisseaux qui sont propriété privée.

Art. 710 VI. Right to use an essential water source

1 If a parcel of land lacks the water required for domestic and farming requirements and if such water cannot be obtained from anywhere else except at an entirely disproportionate cost and effort, the owner may request that a neighbour able to spare such water without suffering hardship allow him or her a share of the latter’s spring or well to him or her in exchange for full compensation.

2 When determining which water source is thus affected, the interests of the person required to supply the water are the primary consideration.

3 Where circumstances change, a modification of the arrangement in place may be requested.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.