1 Le disposant indique ses volontés à l’officier public; celui-ci les écrit lui-même ou les fait écrire et les donne ensuite à lire au testateur.
2 L’acte sera signé du disposant.
3 Il sera en outre daté et signé par l’officier public.
1 As soon as the public deed has been signed and dated, the testator must declare to the two witnesses, in the presence of the official, that he or she has read the document and that it contains his or her will.
2 The witnesses must sign the deed and in so doing confirm that the testator made said declaration in their presence and that, in their judgment, in so doing he or she was in full possession of testamentary capacity.
3 It is not necessary for the witnesses to be informed of the content of the deed.
Ceci n’est pas une publication officielle. Seule la publication opérée par la Chancellerie fédérale fait foi. Ordonnance sur les publications officielles, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.