1 The cantons shall promote education and advice on the prevention of disorders associated with addiction and their negative health-related and social consequences. In doing so, they shall pay special attention to the protection of children and adolescents. They shall introduce adequate general conditions and create the required facilities or support private institutions that meet the quality requirements.
2 The Confederation shall conduct national programmes on prevention and in particular encourage the early recognition of disorders associated with addiction; in doing so, it shall prioritise the concerns relating to the protection of children and adolescents. It shall raise public awareness of the problems of addiction.
1 Ils chantuns promovan l’infurmaziun e la cussegliaziun per prevegnir a disturbis che resultan da la dependenza sco er a las consequenzas negativas che quests disturbis han per la sanadad e per la vita sociala. En quest connex fan els attenziun speziala a la protecziun dals uffants e dals giuvenils. Els procuran per cundiziuns generalas adequatas e stgaffeschan ils organs ch’èn necessaris per quest intent u sustegnan instituziuns privatas che correspundan a las pretensiuns da qualitad.
2 La Confederaziun realisescha programs naziunals da prevenziun e promova cunzunt la registraziun tempriva da disturbis che resultan da la dependenza; en quest connex tegna ella quint dals interess da la protecziun dals uffants e da la giuventetgna. Ella sensibilisescha la publicitad per la problematica da la dependenza.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.