810.31 Federal Act of 19 December 2003 on Research Involving Embryonic Stem Cells (Stem Cell Research Act, StRA)

810.31 Lescha federala dals 19 da december 2003 davart la perscrutaziun da cellas embrionalas da basa (Lescha davart las cellas da basa, LCB)

Art. 15 Licensing requirement for the import and export of embryonic stem cells

1 Any person wishing to import or export embryonic stem cells shall require a licence from the Federal Office.

2 Placing of items in a customs warehouse shall be deemed to constitute import.

3 An import licence shall be granted if:

the embryonic stem cells are to be used for a specific research project;
the embryonic stem cells have been derived from embryos that were created for the establishment of a pregnancy but could not be used for that purpose; and
the couple concerned has freely given informed consent to the use of the embryo for research purposes and receives no payment in return.

4 An export licence will be granted if the conditions for the use of the embryonic stem cells in the country of destination are equivalent to those specified in this Act.

Art. 15 Obligaziun da dumandar ina permissiun per importar ed exportar cellas embrionalas da basa

1 Tgi che vul importar u exportar cellas embrionalas da basa, basegna ina permissiun da l’uffizi federal.

2 La magasinaziun en in deposit da la duana vala sco import.

3 La permissiun d’import vegn concedida, sche:

las cellas embrionalas da basa vegnan duvradas per in project da perscrutaziun concret;
las cellas embrionalas da basa èn vegnidas producidas d’embrios ch’èn vegnids creads per chaschunar ina gravidanza, che n’han dentant betg pudì vegnir duvrads per quest intent; e
il pèr pertutgà ha – suenter ch'el è vegnì sclerì – consentì da libra veglia en l’utilisaziun da l’embrio per intents da perscrutaziun e na survegn nagina indemnisaziun per quai.

4 La permissiun d’export vegn concedida, sche las cundiziuns per l’utilisaziun da las cellas embrionalas da basa èn equivalentas en il pajais da destinaziun sco quellas en questa lescha.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.