1 Access to technical processing must be guaranteed to broadcasters on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. If processing using the telecommunications service provider’s equipment essentially corresponds to the state of the art, the broadcaster is not entitled to use its own equipment for processing.
2 Any person providing services as a higher-level user interface which control programme service selection must use the state of the art to ensure that reference is clearly made in the first stage of use to access-entitled programme services.
3 Operators and providers of processing services or equipment must:
4 The Federal Council may extend the provisions on technical processing to coupled services.
5 If no regulations exist for specific circumstances, OFCOM shall in individual cases take the decisions required to safeguard diversity of opinion and diversity of programming.
1 Ad emetturs da programs stoi vegnir garantì l’access a la preparaziun sut cundiziuns adequatas, betg discriminantas e che resguardan l’egualitad da las schanzas. Sche la preparaziun tras ils indrizs dal purschider da servetschs da telecommunicaziun correspunda per gronda part al stadi da la tecnica, n’ha l’emettur da programs nagin dretg d’avair agens indrizs per la preparaziun.
2 Tgi che porscha servetschs che controlleschan sco surfatscha d’utilisaziun surordinada la selecziun da programs, sto procurar – tenor il stadi da la tecnica – ch’i vegnia renvià en l’emprim pass d’utilisaziun cleramain als programs cun dretg d’access.
3 Ils gestiunaris ed ils purschiders da servetschs u d’indrizs da preparaziun ston:
4 Il Cussegl federal po extender las disposiziuns davart la preparaziun a servetschs cumbinads.
5 Sch’i na dat naginas prescripziuns per tscherts fatgs, prenda il UFCOM las decisiuns ch’èn necessarias en il cas singul per proteger la diversitad da las opiniuns e da las purschidas.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.