1 The SRG SSR and the undertakings controlled by it shall maintain their books in accordance with the regulations which apply to companies limited by shares and in accordance with the accounting standards recognised by the Swiss stock exchanges.
2 It shall maintain separate accounts for the activities involved in carrying out their mandate under the terms of the licence and for their other activities.
3 The Board of Directors of the SRG SSR shall communicate the following to DETEC yearly:
4 DETEC shall audit the SRG SSR’s financial accounting on the basis of the reports from the Board of Directors. It may demand additional information. In particular, DETEC may demand of the SRG SSR’s Board of Directors or of the senior management bodies of controlled undertakings information on how they have discharged their responsibility.
5 DETEC may carry out audits on the premises of the SRG SSR and the undertakings controlled by it if:
6 Subject to the requirements of paragraph 5, DETEC may entrust the Federal Audit Office or other experts with the financial audit. The Federal Audit Office Act of 28 June 196739 is not applicable.
7 Audits on grounds of pure expediency are not permitted.
1 La SSR e las interpresas controlladas d’ella mainan lur cudeschs tenor las prescripziuns che valan per societads anonimas e tenor ils standards da rendaquint reconuschids da las bursas svizras.
2 Ellas mainan quints separads per quellas activitads, che servan ad ademplir l’incarica da prestaziun dal dretg da concessiun, e per lur ulteriuras activitads.
3 Il cussegl d’administraziun da la SSR preschenta mintga onn al DATEC:
4 Sin basa dal rapport da gestiun dal cussegl d’administraziun examinescha il DATEC las finanzas da la SSR. El po dumandar infurmaziuns supplementaras. Dal cussegl d’administraziun da la SSR u dals organs incumbensads cun la direcziun suprema da las interpresas controlladas da la SSR po il DATEC pretender en spezial indicaziuns davart la moda e maniera, co ch’els han ademplì lur responsabladad.
5 Il DATEC po far verificaziuns al lieu tar la SSR e tar las interpresas controlladas d’ella, sche:
6 Sut las premissas da l’alinea 5 po il DATEC incumbensar la Controlla federala da finanzas u auters experts da far la controlla da las finanzas. La Lescha dals 28 da zercladur 196739 davart la Controlla da finanzas n’è betg applitgabla.
7 Puras controllas da l’opportunitad n’èn betg admessas.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.