784.40 Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio and Television (RTVA)

784.40 Lescha federala dals 24 da mars 2006 davart radio e televisiun (LRTV)

Art. 24 Programme service mandate

1 The SRG SSR fulfils the constitutional mandate in the area of radio and television (the programme service mandate). In particular:

it supplies the entire population comprehensively in terms of content with equivalent radio and television programme services in the three official languages;
it promotes understanding, cohesion and exchange between the parts of the country, linguistic communities, cultures and social groupings and takes account of the particularities of the country and the needs of the cantons;
it promotes closer links between Swiss citizens living abroad and their home country and it promotes Switzerland and the understanding of its concerns abroad.

2 The SRG SSR broadcasts at least one radio programme service for Romansh-speaking Switzerland. The Federal Council also lays down the principles in accordance with which the radio and television needs of this linguistic region must additionally be taken into consideration.

3 The Federal Council lays down the principles in accordance with which the needs of people with sensory disabilities must be taken into consideration. In particular, it determines the extent to which special programmes must be provided in sign language for the deaf.

4 The SRG SSR contributes to:

free public opinion-forming through comprehensive, diverse and accurate information especially regarding political, economic and social matters;
cultural diversity and the reinforcement of the country’s cultural values as well as the promotion of Swiss culture, with particular emphasis on Swiss literature and Swiss music and film, especially by broadcasting Swiss productions and programmes it has produced itself;
education of the public, especially through the regular broadcasting of programmes with educational content;

5 The standard language is generally to be used in important information broadcasts which are of interest beyond the linguistic and national borders.

Art. 24 Incumbensa da program

1 La SSR ademplescha l’incumbensa constituziunala en il sectur dal radio e da la televisiun (incumbensa da program). En spezial:

furnescha ella programs da radio e televisiun cumplets e da la medema valur a tut la populaziun en las trais linguas uffizialas;
promova ella la chapientscha, la coesiun ed il barat tranter las regiuns da la Svizra, tranter las cuminanzas linguisticas, tranter las culturas e tranter las gruppaziuns socialas e resguarda ella las atgnadads dal pajais ed ils basegns dals chantuns;
promova ella la stretga colliaziun tranter las Svizras ed ils Svizzers a l’exteriur e la patria sco er la preschientscha da la Svizzer e la chapientscha per ses giavischs a l’exteriur.

2 Per la Svizra rumantscha emetta la SSR almain in program da radio. Dal rest fixescha il Cussegl federal ils princips, tenor ils quals ils basegns da radio e televisiun da quest territori linguistic ston vegnir resguardads supplementarmain.

3 Il Cussegl federal fixescha ils princips, tenor ils quals ils basegns dals umans cun impediments dals senns ston vegnir resguardads. El determinescha en spezial, en tge dimensiun ch’i ston vegnir purschidas emissiuns spezialas en la lingua da segns per persunas surdas.

4 La SSR contribuescha:

a la furmaziun libra da l’opiniun dal public tras ina infurmaziun cumpletta, multifara ed objectiva en spezial davart connexs politics, economics e socials;
al svilup cultural ed al rinforzament da las valurs culturalas dal pajais sco er a la promoziun da la cultura svizra resguardond spezialmain la producziun d’ovras litteraras, musicalas e cinematograficas svizras, cunzunt cun emetter producziuns svizras ed emissiuns producidas sezzas;
a la furmaziun dal public, cunzunt grazia a la diffusiun regulara d’emissiuns educativas;
al divertiment.

5 En emissiuns d’infurmaziun impurtantas che interesseschan sur ils cunfins linguistics e territorials da la Svizra ora sto per regla vegnir duvrada la lingua da standard.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.