784.40 Federal Act of 24 March 2006 on Radio and Television (RTVA)

784.40 Lescha federala dals 24 da mars 2006 davart radio e televisiun (LRTV)

Art. 110 Licences for retransmission by wire

1 Existing licences for the retransmission by wire of radio and television programme services in accordance with Article 39 RTVA 1991125 (wire licences) retain their validity until their owner obtains a telecommunications services licence in accordance with Articles 4 ff. TCA126, but at the latest up to two years after the commencement of this Act.

2 Wire licences continue to be subject to:

Article 42 paragraphs 2–4 RTVA 1991;
Article 47 paragraph 1 RTVA 1991 concerning the transmission of programme services of other broadcasters whose licence has been extended in accordance with Article 107 of this Act.

3 The obligations of a wire licensee in accordance with paragraph 2 end as soon as transmission by wire of the programme services covered therein (in accordance with Articles 59 and 60) in their area of operation is clarified with legal force, but at the latest after five years.

125 [AS 1992 601, 1993 3354, 1997 2187 Annex No 4, 2000 1891 No VIII 2, 2001 2790 Annex No 2, 2002 1904 Art. 36 No 2, 2004 297 No I 3 1633 No I 9 4929 Art. 21 No 3, 2006 1039 Art. 2]

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Art. 110 Concessiuns da lingias

1 Las concessiuns existentas per l’ulteriura diffusiun da programs da radio e televisiun sur lingias tenor l’artitgel 39 LRTV 1991125 (concessiuns da lingias) restan valaivlas fin che lur possessurs survegnan ina concessiun da servetsch da telecommunicaziun tenor ils artitgels 4 ss. LTC126, il pli ditg dentant fin 2 onns suenter l’entrada en vigur da questa lescha.

2 Ils concessiunaris da lingias èn suttamess vinavant a:

l’artitgel 42 alineas 2–4 LRTV 1991;
l’artitgel 47 alinea 1 LRTV 1991 concernent la diffusiun dals programs d’auters emetturs da programs, dals quals è vegnida prolungada la concessiun tenor l’artitgel 107 da questa lescha.

3 Las obligaziuns d’in concessiunari da lingias tenor l’alinea 2 fineschan, uschespert che la diffusiun dals programs registrads là sur lingias (tenor ils art. 59 e 60) en la zona dal concessiunari è sclerida cun vigur legala, il pli tard dentant suenter 5 onns.

125 [AS 1992 601; 1993 3354; 1997 2187 agiunta cifra 4; 2000 1891 cifra VIII 2; 2001 2790 agiunta cifra 2; 2002 1904 art. 36 cifra 2; 2004 297 cifra I 3, 1633 cifra I 9, 4929 art. 21 cifra 3; 2006 1039 art. 2]

126 SR 784.10


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Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.