1 Provided the essential character of the buildings is preserved, construction work shall be permitted in uninhabited buildings or parts of buildings where they are used by residents of an adjacent residential building for the purpose of keeping animals as a hobby and animal welfare standards are respected.
2 New outdoor installations may be permitted in terms of paragraph 1 if they are necessary for keeping animals in accordance with animal welfare standards. Such installations may be larger than the statutory minimum size provided this is compatible with the main aspects of spatial planning and the installation is a reversible construction.
3 The outdoor installations may be used for keeping animals as a hobby provided no structural alterations are required and there is no new impact on the surrounding area and the environment.
4 If animals are kept in a building zone, permission shall also be given to fenced-in areas for grazing purposes provided there is no negative impact on the landscape.
5 Permits in accordance with this Article may only be given if the requirements of Article 24d paragraph 3 are met.
6 The Federal Council shall regulate the details. In particular it shall define the relationship between the modifications possible under this Article and those under Article 24c and Article 24d paragraph 1.
69 Inserted by No I of the FA of 22 March 2013, in force since 1 May 2014 (AS 2014 905; BBl 2012 6589 6607).
1 En edifizis betg abitads u en parts d’edifizis betg abitadas, ch’èn mantegnids en lur substanza, vegnan permessas mesiras architectonicas, sch’ellas servan als abitants d’in edifizi d’abitar vischin a tegnair animals sco hobi e sch’ellas garanteschan ch’ils animals pon vegnir tegnids confurm a lur natira.
2 En il rom da l’alinea 1 vegnan permess novs stabiliments al liber, sch’els èn necessaris per tegnair ils animals confurm a lur natira. En l’interess da tegnair ils animals confurm a lur natira pon tals stabiliments avair dimensiuns pli grondas che las mesiras minimalas legalas, sche quai è cumpatibel cun las exigenzas relevantas da la planisaziun dal territori e sch’ils stabiliments vegnan construids da maniera reversibla.
3 Ils stabiliments al liber pon vegnir duvrads per s’occupar dals animals sco hobi, sche quai na chaschuna naginas midadas architectonicas e sch’i na resultan naginas novas consequenzas per il spazi e per l’ambient.
4 Clasiras che servan a la pasculaziun e che na chaschunan nagins dischavantatgs per la cuntrada vegnan permess er, sch’ils animals vegnan tegnids en la zona da construcziun.
5 Las permissiuns tenor quest artitgel dastgan vegnir concedidas mo, sche las premissas da l’artitgel 24d alinea 3 èn ademplidas.
6 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls. El fixescha en spezial, en tge relaziun che las pussaivladads da far midadas tenor quest artitgel stattan envers quellas tenor l’artitgel 24c e tenor l’artitgel 24d alinea 1.
69 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 22 da mars 2013, en vigur dapi il 1. da matg 2014 (AS 2014 905; BBl 2012 6589 6607).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.