1 The FOEN shall be responsible for the monitoring of biological diversity and shall coordinate this with other environmental observation measures. This monitoring may be supplemented by cantonal measures. The cantons shall coordinate their measures with the FOEN, and make their documentation available to it.
2 The FOEN, the FOC and FEDRO shall conduct success evaluations to check that the legally required measures have been implemented and to assess their suitability. They shall cooperate closely with the federal offices and the cantons concerned.
74 Inserted by No I of the O of 19 June 2000, in force since 1 Aug. 2000 (AS 2000 1869).
1 Il UFAM procura per la surveglianza da la diversitad biologica e coordinescha questa surveglianza cun autras mesiras da l’observaziun da l’ambient. Ils chantuns pon cumplettar questa surveglianza. Els coordineschan la surveglianza cun il UFAM ed al mettan a disposiziun lur actas.
2 Il UFAM, il UFC ed il UVIAS fan controllas dal success per examinar, co che las mesiras legalas vegnan exequidas e sch’ellas èn adequatas. Els collavuran stretgamain cun ils uffizis federals e cun ils chantuns pertutgads.
74 Integrà tras la cifra I da la O dals 19 da zercl. 2000, en vigur dapi il 1. d’avust 2000 (AS 2000 1869).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.