1 The FVB certifies that the holder has the prerequisite knowledge and skills needed to attend a university of applied sciences.
2 The preparatory course for the FVB Examination referred to in Article 17 paragraph 4 may also be attended after a learner obtains the Federal VET Diploma.
3 The Cantons shall ensure that there is an adequate supply of preparatory courses for the FVB Examination.
4 The preparatory course for the FVB Examination shall be free of charge at public schools. Federal or cantonal subsidies may be paid to private schools.
5 The Federal Council shall establish the rules applying to the FVB.
1 La maturitad professiunala federala creescha las premissas per in studi ad ina scola auta professiunala.
2 La furmaziun generala approfundada tenor l’artitgel 17 alinea 4 po vegnir acquirida er suenter avair obtegnì l’attestat federal da qualificaziun.
3 Ils chantuns procuran per ina purschida che correspunda al basegn da l’instrucziun da maturitad professiunala.
4 L’instrucziun da maturitad professiunala che vegn dada en scolas publicas è gratuita. La Confederaziun ed ils chantuns pon sustegnair ils purschiders privats.
5 Il Cussegl federal regla la maturitad professiunala.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.