412.10 Federal Act of 13 December 2002 on Vocational and Professional Education and Training (Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act, VPETA)

412.10 Lescha federala dals 13 da december 2002 davart la furmaziun professiunala (LFPr)

Art. 1 Principles

1 Responsibility for upper-secondary level vocational education and training (VET) and tertiary-level professional education shall be shared by the Confederation, the Cantons and professional organisations (social partners, trade associations as well as other organisations and education and training providers within the VPET system). They shall strive to ensure that there is an adequate number of training options within the VPET system, particularly in promising occupational and professional fields.

2 The measures taken by the Confederation shall be designed to provide the Cantons and professional organisations with financial and other resources to encourage initiatives to the greatest extent possible.

3 In order to fulfil the purpose of this Act:

the Confederation, the Cantons and professional organisations shall coordinate their activities;
the Cantons and professional organisations shall also coordinate their activities.

Art. 1 Princip

1 La furmaziun professiunala è ina incumbensa communabla da la Confederaziun, dals chantuns e da las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur (partenaris socials; federaziuns professiunalas, autras organisaziuns cumpetentas ed auters purschiders da la furmaziun professiunala). Ellas ed els sa stentan da garantir ina purschida suffizienta en il sectur da la furmaziun professiunala, cunzunt en ils champs professiunals cun vistas per il futur.

2 Las mesiras da la Confederaziun han l’intenziun da promover tant sco pussaivel las iniziativas dals chantuns e da las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur cun meds finanzials e cun auters meds.

3 Per realisar las finamiras da questa lescha collavuran:

la Confederaziun, ils chantuns e las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur;
ils chantuns er tranter els e las organisaziuns dal mund da lavur er tranter ellas.

This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.