1 The Federal Chancellery shall coordinate translation and other linguistic services in the Federal Administration; in doing so, it shall respect the requirements for manageability, the connection between the various tasks, the balance between the languages and their status.
2 The Conference of Language Services (COLS) shall support the Federal Chancellery in ascertaining the needs of the language services and in guiding and coordinating their activities.
3 The COLS is a consultative body. It comprises representatives of the Central Language Services of the Federal Chancellery and the departmental language services. The Parliamentary Services Language Service may participate in the COLS.
4 The Federal Chancellery oversees the COLS. It approves its regulations.
1 La Chanzlia federala coordinescha ils servetschs da translaziuns e las autras prestaziuns linguisticas da l’administraziun federala; per quest intent resguarda ella las pretensiuns a la gestiun, il connex tranter las differentas incumbensas, l’equiliber tranter las linguas sco er lur status.
2 La Conferenza interdepartamentala dals servetschs linguistics (CISL) gida la Chanzlia federala a registrar ils basegns dals servetschs linguistics sco er a gestir ed a coordinar las activitads.
3 La CISL è in organ consultativ. Questa conferenza sa cumpona da represchentants dals Servetschs linguistics centrals da la Chanzlia federala e dals servetschs linguistics dals departaments. Il Servetsch linguistic dals Servetschs dal parlament po sa participar a la CISL.
4 La Chanzlia federala maina la CISL. Ella approvescha ses reglament.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.