1 Written rulings must, even if the authority issues them in the form of a letter, be designated as such, must state the grounds on which they are based and contain instructions on legal remedies.
2 The instructions on legal remedies must indicate the ordinary remedies, the competent authority and the period for applying for legal remedies.
3 The authority may dispense with stating the grounds for the ruling and providing instructions on legal remedies if it grants the applications of the parties in full and no party requests that the grounds be stated.
1 Las disposiziuns en scrit ston, er sche l’autoritad las communitgescha en furma d’ina brev, vegnir designadas sco talas, vegnir motivadas e cuntegnair ina indicaziun dals meds legals.
2 L’indicaziun dals meds legals sto numnar il med legal ordinari ch’è permess, l’instanza cumpetenta ed il termin per l’inoltrar.
3 L’autoritad po desister d’ina motivaziun e da l’indicaziun dals meds legals, sch’ella approvescha dal tuttafatg las pretensiuns da las partidas e sche nagina partida na pretenda ina motivaziun.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.