1 The offices are the administrative units charged with dealing with the business of the Administration.
2 The Federal Council sets out in ordinances the way in which the Federal Administration is organised into offices. It assigns the offices areas of business which are closely related if possible and determines their tasks.
3 The Federal Council assign the offices to the departments according to the criteria of management, coherence of tasks and material and political balance. It may reassign the offices at any time.
4 The heads of department determine the organisational structure of the offices in their department. With the consent of the Federal Council, they may organise the offices into groups.
5 The office directors determine the detailed organisation of their offices.
1 Ils uffizis èn las unitads administrativas purtantas; els procuran ils affars administrativs.
2 Il Cussegl federal fixescha tras ordinaziun la divisiun da l’administraziun federala en uffizis. El attribuescha als uffizis champs d’activitad uschè coerents sco pussaivel e fixescha lur incumbensas.
3 Il Cussegl federal attribuescha ils uffizis als departaments tenor ils criteris da la dirigibladad, dal connex da las incumbensas sco er da l’equiliber material e politic. El po far da tut temp ina nova repartiziun dals uffizis.
4 Ils schefs dals departaments fixeschan ils princips organisatorics dals uffizis ch’èn attribuids a lur departaments. Cun il consentiment dal Cussegl federal pon els unir ils uffizis a gruppas.
5 Ils directurs dals uffizis fixeschan l’organisaziun detagliada da lur uffizis.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.