161.1 Federal Act of 17 December 1976 on Political Rights

161.1 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 1976 davart ils dretgs politics

Art. 77 Appeals

1 An appeal may be filed with the cantonal government:

in respect of a violation of the provisions on voting rights in terms of Articles 2–4, Article 5 paragraphs 3 and 6 and Articles 62 and 63 (appeal on a matter related to voting rights);
in respect of irregularities at popular votes (appeal on a matter related to popular votes);
in respect of irregularities in the preparation for and conduct of elections to the National Council (appeal on a matter related to elections).

2 The appeal must be filed by registered mail within three days of the grounds for appeal being ascertained, and at the latest on the third day following publication of the results in the official cantonal gazette.159

157 Amended by No I of the FA of 18 March 1994, in force since 15 Nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

158 Amended by No I of the FA of 18 March 1994, in force since 15 Nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

159 Amended by No I of the FA of 21 June 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).

Art. 77 Recurs

1 Tar la regenza chantunala pon ins far recurs:

pervia da la violaziun dal dretg da votar tenor ils artitgels 2 fin 4, tenor l’artitgel 5 alineas 3 e 6 sco er tenor ils artitgels 62 e 63 (recurs en fatgs dal dretg da votar);
pervia dad irregularitads tar las votaziuns (recurs da votaziun);
pervia dad irregularitads tar la preparaziun e tar la realisaziun da las elecziuns dal Cussegl naziunal (recurs electoral).

2 Il recurs sto vegnir inoltrà en scrit entaifer 3 dis suenter la scuverta dal motiv da recurs, il pli tard dentant il terz di suenter la publicaziun dal resultat en il Fegl uffizial chantunal.159

157 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 18 da mars 1994, en vigur dapi ils 15 da nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

158 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 18 da mars 1994, en vigur dapi ils 15 da nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

159 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 21 da zer. 2002, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.