1 In order to perform its statutory duties, in particular for verification and publication purposes, the competent body is authorised to process the following personal data:
2 The competent body may pass on to the following authorities the information on political actors, such as personal data, that is required to perform their statutory duties:
3 At the request of the competent body in accordance with Article 76g, the cantonal and communal authorities that are responsible under cantonal law for transparency in political funding shall provide the competent body with the information, such as personal data, that is required to carry out the verification process and for publication.
1 Per ademplir sias incumbensas legalas, en spezial las incumbensas da controlla e da publicaziun, dastga il post cumpetent elavurar las suandantas datas persunalas:
2 Il post cumpetent dastga transmetter las infurmaziuns davart ils acturs politics, ch’èn necessarias per ademplir lur incumbensas legalas, en spezial las datas persunalas, a las suandantas autoritads:
3 Las autoritads chantunalas e communalas ch’èn cumpetentas tenor il dretg chantunal per la transparenza en la finanziaziun da la politica, communitgeschan al post cumpetent tenor l’artitgel 76g – sin sia dumonda – las infurmaziuns ch’èn necessarias per la controlla e per la publicaziun, en spezial las datas persunalas.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.