1 The signature lists may be sent continuously but must be sent in good time prior to the expiry of the referendum period to the office that is responsible under cantonal law for the issuing of certificates of eligibility to vote.117
2 The office certifies that the signatories in the communes stated in the signature list are eligible to vote on federal matters, and returns the signature lists to their senders without delay.
3 The certificate must state in words or in figures the number of certified signatures; it must be dated, bear the handwritten signature of the public official and indicate their official capacity by means of a stamp or addendum.
4 The eligibility to vote of the signatories may be certified collectively for more than one signature list.
117 Amended by No I of the FA of 26 Sept. 2014 (National Council elections), in force since 1 Nov. 2015 (AS 2015 543; BBl 2013 9217).
1 Las glistas da suttascripziuns ston vegnir tramessas cuntinuadamain, ma en mintga cas baud avunda avant la scadenza dal termin da referendum a l’uffizi ch’è cumpetent per l’attestaziun dal dretg da votar tenor il dretg chantunal.117
2 L’uffizi attesta che las persunas che han suttascrit la glista da suttascripziuns hajan il dretg da votar en chaussas federalas en la vischnanca inditgada e returna immediatamain las glistas a las spedituras ed als spediturs.
3 L’attestaziun sto inditgar en pleds u en cifras il dumber da las suttascripziuns attestadas; ella sto cuntegnair la data e la suttascripziun a maun da la funcziunaria u dal funcziunari sco er il bul u il supplement che designescha sia funcziun uffiziala.
4 L’attestaziun dal dretg da votar per las persunas che han suttascrit in referendum po vegnir dada en total per pliras glistas.
117 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014 (elecziuns dal Cussegl naziunal), en vigur dapi il 1. da nov. 2015 (AS 2015 543; BBl 2013 9217).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.