161.1 Federal Act of 17 December 1976 on Political Rights

161.1 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 1976 davart ils dretgs politics

Art. 56 Supplementary election

1 Where a seat cannot be filled by substitution, three-fifths of the signatories to the list (Art. 24 paragraph 1) on which the member of the National Council who has resigned is entered, or the committee of the cantonal party (Art. 24 paragraph 3) that submitted the said list shall have the right to submit a further nomination.98

2 The candidate who is nominated in the foregoing manner shall be declared by the cantonal government to be elected in accordance with Article 45, following the rectification of any deficiencies in the candidate list (Art. 22 and Art. 29) and without a ballot being held.99

3 Where the right to nominate a candidate is not exercised, a popular election shall be held.100 This election is based on the simple majority election system unless more than one seat has to be filled, in which case the provisions on the system of proportional representation apply.

98 Amended by No I of the FA of 21 June 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).

99 Amended by No I of the FA of 18 March 1994, in force since 15 Nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

100 Amended by No I of FA of 21 June 2002, in force since 1 Jan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).

Art. 56 Elecziun cumplementara

1 Sch’in mandat na po betg vegnir occupà cun ina suppleanta u cun in suppleant da la glista, pon trais tschintgavels da las persunas che han suttascrit la glista (art. 24 al. 1) ubain la suprastanza da la partida chantunala (art. 24 al. 3) che ha inoltrà la glista, sin la quala figurava la commembra u il commember che sa retira, preschentar ina proposta electorala.98

2 La regenza chantunala declera en quel cas senza elecziun a l’urna la candidata proponida u il candidat proponì sco elegida u sco elegì tenor l’artitgel 45, e quai suenter la rectificaziun da la proposta electorala (art. 22 e 29).99

3 Sch’il dretg da proponer candidatas e candidats na vegn betg duvrà, ha lieu in’elecziun dal pievel.100 Sch’i ston vegnir occupads plirs mandats, vegnan applitgadas las disposiziuns davart l’elecziun da proporz, uschiglio quellas davart l’elecziun da maiorz.

98 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 21 da zer. 2002, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).

99 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 18 da mars 1994, en vigur dapi ils 15 da nov. 1994 (AS 1994 2414; BBl 1993 III 445).

100 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 21 da zer. 2002, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2003 (AS 2002 3193; BBl 2001 6401).


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Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.